Sunday, October 17, 2010

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

     I've been working in the same neighborhood for weeks, and I enjoy the people here.  The nicest couple ever live on the corner, Bill and Joan.  Bill is retired, so he has tons of time to spend with his dog, a pointer, Bo.  Bo has endless energy...perhaps he's the dog that inspired the tee shirt that says things to do today:  let the dog out, let the dog in, let the dog out, let the dog in...  Seems to be the norm in their house!  
     Bill brings me coffee in the morning.  And they use half and half - What a treat!  Some mornings I don't know which is better, holding the warm coffee mug in my freezing hands or drinking the hot coffee.  Some mornings are sooo cold that I'd almost rather dip my fingers in the coffee than drink it!  But I haven't.  Yet.   He's a good guy. As long as he leaves out the arsenic, I'm a happy girl! 
     Joan still works as a teacher, so she's up and out of the house...and that leaves Bill, Bo and me! I would love these people to be my "real" neighbors.  (Won't you please, won't you please, please won't you be my neighbor?)
    Good conversation, happy people, hot is good.

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