Saturday, October 9, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away.....

    Rain is ugly when you're standing in the middle of the road.  I'm back at the job site with Crew A.  They are talking to me, a little bit, today. 
    I am silently thanking Barbara for the bright orange rain suit.  I look like a cone in the road, but as she said, "The cars will see ya!"  (They'll see me from the International Space Station!)  It's a steady rain, and I am not happy.  I'm sure my boots are going to be all spotted and ugly from the rain, and I am going to be waterlogged by the time the day is over.  Why don't they send us all home?!?!?  There were other rainy days when we didn't work.  Why are we working today!?!?  Ugh. 
    My gloves are soaked and fingers are getting prune-y.  I'm cold.  I'm hungry.  My feet hurt.  I am so unhappy, did I mention that? There's nothing fun or funny about today.
    We worked 8 1/2 felt like eternity.  I go home tired, wet, cranky, and sleep the sleep of the dead until the alarm wakes me at 5:20 the next day.

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