Sunday, October 17, 2010

Got a Bee in My Bonnet

     I was chatting with a nice lady, Mary...she was up on her porch and I was, well, I was in the middle of the road.  It was such a nice chat, and there was no traffic, and the sun was shining, and there was no wind, and all of a sudden our little visit was crashed by a bee.  Not a little honey bee , or a hornet, or a yellow jacket, but a 50 pound bumble bee.  The ones that aren't supposed to fly because they're not aerodynamic but they don't know they're not supposed to fly, so they do.  Apparently this one wasn't watching where it was going and it flew into my hair.  Near the back of my neck.  And it was buzzing the buzz of horror.  And I started freaking out.  I was like, "OMG! Maaaary!  There is a bee in my hair!"  And I tried to flick it away, but I couldn't see it....and in a split second, like she was Super Speedy Woman, she was right next to me.  I was starting to strip because I thought the bee was in my hoodie, and she was like "Don't move, don't take off your beautiful green hard hat!!"  And she carefully picked the 50 pound bee out of my hair.  Just like that.  Then the bee made a graceful landing on the ground about 2 feet from where I was standing.  I was shaking like a leaf.  I needed some valium...just a little.  Then I thought it was hurt because it didn't move.       
     One of the guys came walking by and I was like, "Bill that bee was in my hair....Isn't it huge?  Don't kill it."  He said, "It was in your hair and you don't want me to kill it....?"  Well, it didn't sting me, and it could have.  Many times.  So I thought it should live.  Besides, I like bees.  This one was fuzzy, and if it didn't have a stinger, I would like to pet it.  Bill thinks I'm odd.
    It hung out with me for about a half hour, then it flew away.  So, after that I was highly suspicious of anything the buzzed and flew near me....maybe there was a memo out amongst the bees  that they should try to fly as close to me as they could just to see me playing chicken or something...They're all laughing, I just know it.  Bees have a strange sense of humor.


  1. Thank you, Jody, for teaching me a lesson. I didn't know that 50-pound bumblebees don't have a stinger. I'm glad you survived the ordeal, and I hope you are enjoying your new job. Keep the blog posts coming; I thoroughly enjoy your musings.

  2. Tammi - They DO have a stinger...that's why I DON'T pet them!! LOL!!!
